To benefit wounded warriors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Hospital through Disabled American Veteran Stamford Chapter 13 “Operation Gift Cards”
For more information go to hyc.net or hoorksforheros.us OR call 203-559-5205
We expect over 200 fishermen to participate in the tournament and hope to bring some visiting wounded warriors from Walter Reed National Military Medical Hospital (Bethesda, MD) out fishing. We are honoring veterans from World War II and our First Responders. Operation Gift Cards serves our military service men and woman who incurred service-connected wounds, injuries, or illnesses on or after September 11, 2001, and are receiving treatment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Hospital. Proceeds of this event will allow us to purchase gift cards for these heroes to use at the WRAH Post Exchange. RULES: • There will be two categories, largest bluefish and largest bass by weight • All fish must be weighed in at Halloween Yacht Club before 1:00 p.m. • Only one bass per person, must be larger than 28″ • Only two bluefish are to be weighed in per person ENTRY FEE: • All proceeds will be donated to DAV Chapter 13 Stamford CT “Operation Gift Cards” • $35.00 Donation (includes breakfast and lunch and is tax-deductible) • Make checks payable to Disabled American Veterans Chapter 13. In check memo add “Operation Gift Cards” and mail to the HYC address below. • All mailed entries must be received by Friday, June 15, 2018. You can also sign up at the Halloween Yacht Club on Saturday morning, June 16th from 5:30 to 6:00 a.m. Pre-Tournament Breakfast will be served at 5:15 a.m. Post-Tournament Cookout, Awards, Military Vehicles, Live Band and more at 1:30 p.m.